Looking for the WCQG Website's Show and Tell Page? We're excited to announce that the photos now include the member names so the Show and Tell page has been moved to the Members Only Section of the website.  Check out the photos from our recent quilt guild meeting.   

Wow!  Our members are super givers!   

The Comfort Quilts Program collected 222 quilts in 2024! Thank you again to the outstanding efforts and contributions of our members in making this charity program a success.

How many will we collect in 2025? Who knows. Never underestimate the potential achievements and generosity of our guild members.   

Who We Are...

The Warren County Quilt Guild is dedicated to the knowledgeable creation and preservation of quilts and the art of quilting.

Our Quilting Guild was founded in 2004 and is open to any interested person. Our goal is to support quilters and people interested in quilting and share our love of the craft. 

The Warren County Quilt Guild has monthly open sewing and bi-annual quilt retreats.  We participate in quilt challenges and special projects such as the the quilt we made for ARCS, one of the organizations we support with comfort quilts for their clients. 

What's Happening...

Upcoming Monthly Guild Meeting

Thursday March 13 at 7:00 PM

Lebanon Presbyterian Church

Join us for our Member Demo Night

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